Saturday, August 8, 2009

You're going mad. Perhaps you always were, but when things was good you just didn't care.

I've been listening to The Streets all morning. Michael Skinner is one of the greatest MC's of this decade. It's hard for me to pigeon-hole The Streets. It stands somewhere between Indie, Electronica, Hip-Hop, and R&B. Some would call it intelligent dance music (IDM), which, personally, I think is a giant pile of bullshit. Not to say that The Streets ISN'T intelligent, or that you CAN'T dance to it...because, well, it IS intelligent, and you CAN dance to it.

I guess what I'm saying, is that IDM, as a genere, is fucking bullshit. What makes it more intelligent than anything else? Hold on, let's back up.

First, let's define dance music, as a genere. Dance music is comprised with the sole intention to facilitate dancing. Right on. Eventually, there was electronic dance music (EDM). Okay. I don't think I need to define EDM, but I will give a few examples...trance, house, disco, and rave music. Get the picture?

So, what exactly is IDM? Why is it more intelligent than trance or house? Apparently, it's because IDM is experimental. Please tell me, what ISN'T experimental? Really, think about it. Blues was experimental way back when. People were still figuring it out...experimenting. Same with classical, hundreds of years ago. Anything new is experimental.

Don't get me wrong. If it wasn't for experimenting, we'd still be living in caves and clubbing chicks over the head to get laid. I honestly feel that the arts, more specifically, music, has furthered human evolution and civilization more than any other contributing factor. But that's another blog for another day. Anyway, I absolutely love anything that pushes against boundaries or definitions, or uses abnormal, new, irregular, unique elements. It's the only way to further ourselves as intelligent beings. It's the only way for new things to be discovered.

So, to bring this blog full circle, "let's push things forward." -Michael Skinner.

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