Wednesday, August 19, 2009

there's blood on my hands like the blood in you

God damn, I said god damn.

Monday was my 22nd birthday. Had a pretty eventful weekend. Let's recap, yes?

On Sunday, Helen and I drove down to Olvera Street and had some delicious grub for lunch. We then drove to the hotel we'd be staying at in downtown, the Westin Bonaventure, and checked in. Then we walked to a movie theater at watched Funny People. Good movie. Not anyone's best, but it was still good. Then we walked back to our hotel and went to the Brewery in the hotel where I had a mediocre pale ale. Then we went upstairs, changed into dinner appropriate attire, and went the the 35th floor for dinner at L.A. Prime. Supposedly, L.A. Prime had LA's best steak. yeeeeah, not so much. We had a foie gras appetizer, and then ridiculously large pieces of meat as the entree. Helen had a 220z new york strip. I had a 24oz bone-in rib eye. Unfortunately, ALL the fat was trimmed off my steak. what. the. fuck. That's the whole POINT of a rib eye. Helen's new york was much better than my steak. We had potato gratin and some spinach sides. The potatoes were fucking tasty. The spinach? not so much. No seasoning to be found. But I was seriously disappointed in the steak. Oh well. It was a fun experience anyway. The foie gras totally made up for everything else. Being too full to do much of anything else, Helen and I then went to bed.

The next morning, we woke up way too early, simply out of habit, and could not go back to sleep. We decided to go to the cafe at CSCA for breakfast. So we drive from downtown to Pasadena, and the cafe was closed for student orientation. So we walk a few blocks down the street to this little mexican cafe I used to eat at a lot...and that too was closed. Not a good start so far. So we walked back to where the car was parked, and decided to eat at the White Hut across the street from the school cafe. We had cheeseburgers for breakfast. We decided to go to the museum of tolerance, since neither of us had been, so we drove back to LA. The museum was great. However, I would advise against going there on your birthday. I already knew all the facts, and I knew what I was getting into, but still, it's depressing. Then we went to the bank, and ironically enough, 3 Jewish people walked in. haha. aaaaanyway, there was a fruit cart outside the bank so we got some watermelon and some nowhere-near-ripe mangos. There's this pirate themed restaurant on wilshire near miracle mile called Crazy Hook that we had planned on going to for lunch. We got there around 2, only to discover they didn't open til 5. AWESOME. So we drove to Venice and spent the afternoon browsing cheap jewelry, ridiculous tshirts, eating pizza, and drinking beer. We figured we'd better start heading home. We didn't hit the road til 5 (why's it called rush hour when everyone drives so slow?) and got back in the AV around 7. We met my parents at Giovanni's for dinner where helen and i shared a tasty-as-fuck calzone and a chocolate eclair with a birthday candle stuck in it. Then we went home and passed the fuck out.

Anyway, I had a good birthday, pretty much just ate for two days. I hope we walked some of it off at Venice, but I doubt it. haha.

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