Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I never said I had a business mind, I just don't believe that quitting time exsists.

"I ain't waiting, I'm patiently persevering, I see greatness in the person in the mirror very clearly, and that's why I take this seriously."

This whole band thing isn't easy. It's hard enough when all the members are on board, but I feel like we're fighting inward just to get anything done. I have to beg half the band to play shows, and the other half can never make it to them. I also feel like Ryan and I are the only proactive ones. Ryan works his fucking ass off mixing this record, and I spend 90% of whatever time I have booking us shows, working on graphic design, and trying to establish a fan base. I hate depending on other people, and the fact that I have to depend on other people to be able to do what I want to do doesn't sit well with me. But, it's part of being in a band. I have to be able to rely on these people....but sometimes it seems like I can't.

Leila is trying to step up and get things done, and seeing as how she's the face of the band, I understand that people think they should go through her if they want to get shit done...but, well, frankly, it doesn't work that way. She may be the face, but she's not the brain. As far as I'm concerned, Ryan and I are in charge. We run the show. We put everything together, we make everything happen, and if Leila wants to be part of that, she needs to communicate and tell us what's going on. I had NO idea that some dude wants to use our music in a short film until today when I get a text asking, nay, TELLING me to email 3 specific songs to said dude. Of course I didn't. These songs aren't ready for official release yet. They're still just demos.

Not even to mention we haven't SEEN any of the film...not a single scene, nothing. By letting him use our music, we're essentially endorsing the film, putting our name on it, making people think of us when they hear our music watching this film. It could be a total piece of shit. I'm not putting our name on something I know NOTHING about. It's bad business.

And that seems to be the biggest component missing from One Way Fare. Professionalism. Ryan and I are the only ones treating it like it's a business...like this is our job. Because...well, it is. Sure, I'm a chef, and he's a AV engineer, but we're musicians first and foremost. And if that's what we want to start paying the bills, we have to treat it as such. Contrary to how it may seem, this is not a 'weekend' thing. This is what we do.

Sorry, just venting, I guess.

The water line is rising, and all we do is stand there.


  1. Although i can see why you took offense to the movie thing, i do think it's worth checking out. if he's willing to let you see a chunk of the movie (which probably will be kind of crap if its an indie film) then you can go about negotiating some sort of payment.

  2. i'm willing to talk about it and see what he has to offer. i just didn't appreciate leila's presumption that she can just do whatever she wants with what WE made.

  3. that's what I pulled from your statement.
